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For purposes of this policy the term Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) is used as an umbrella to demote a range of guidance activities and processes provided throughout the learner journey.  Learners have the right to IAG that is impartial, unbiased, and realistic.  The delivery of good quality, timely (IAG) is intrinsically linked to the vision of “small change, big difference”, helping participants to achieve their goals and aspirations. This manifests in several ways across the Workpays provision, including helping participants to:

  • Make informed decisions about their programme.

  • Address barriers

  • Understand where they are concerning their goals and ambitions, and the steps they need to take to get there.

  • Feel confident their current activity is leading them in the right direction.

  • Be proactive in their independent research about their career and learning prospects.

  • Have a greater awareness of the options available to them.

  • Seek additional support where necessary.



This policy applies to all employees of Workpays, including full-time, part-time, and temporary employees, at all levels of the organisation and to people external to Workpays who have a relationship with Workpays, i.e., participants, employers, partners and stakeholders. 


Policy Objectives

This policy framework is designed to ensure a fair and consistent approach is taken across all IAG employee’s behaviour or action is in breach of Workpays rules or falls short of expected standards. 


Roles and responsibilities
Responsibilities for the use of this policy are as follows:


Director of Excellence     

•    Responsible for monitoring changes, update in the law 


Excellence Team     

•    Annual policy review 
•    Complaints 



•    All Workpays staff to abide by this policy 
•    Report any concerns related to this policy 



Information: Information opportunities shared through methods including: 
•    Face to face contact 
•    Marketing resources, flyers, brochures, and other printed matter
•    Telephone help line 
•    Websites, videos, and social media 


•    Support to understand and interpret information
•    Further information and answers to questions, clarifying misunderstandings
•    Considering circumstances, abilities, targets, and goals 
•    Advising on options or haw to follow an agreed course of action 
•    Signposting, referring to strengthen guidance and support 
•    Mostly provided on a one to one basis, however, can also be in groups 


Guidance: working with the leaner, supporting them to:
•    Better understand themselves and their needs 
•    Conform barriers to understanding, learning and progression
•    Resolve issues and conflicts 
•    Develop new perspectives and solutions to problems 
•    Take ownership of their plans, set realistic targets and the steps to achieve their potential 
•    Explore skills and qualifications relevant to current and future job aspirations 
•    Recognise their own transferable skills and how these may be employed in further learning/work

Throughout the Participant Journey Stages

  • Pre-entry – We provide information and advice to potential participants about the full range of learning programmes, eligibility criteria for each programme, qualifications available on each programme and support available to them during their learning at Workpays.   In doing this, we work with key referral agencies and youth organisations to ensure we reach potential participants in the right way.


  • On Programme/Training – We provide participants with information about the requirements of the programme, ground rules, policies and procedures, their individual learning plan and support arrangements.  We provide support for learning as well as pastoral support.  We provide additional confidential support for those participants who need it.  We help participants overcome barriers to achievement by helping them access external support agencies when necessary.


  • On Exit– We provide support to participants to complete programme objectives and confidential, impartial information, advice, and guidance, for them to progress to employment, further education, or training through one-to-one and small group support sessions. In designing our information and advice services we are guided by the matrix standard, the Principles for Coherent Information, Advice and Guidance Delivery. Our information, advice and guidance services are available to potential and current participants.


Workpays expects the delivery of good IAG will contribute to:
•    motivated and engaged participants.
•    good levels of attendance, retention, achievement, and progression
•    a high level of participant satisfaction
•    a high level of employer satisfaction
•    a better understanding of the needs of the customer

Ensuring a High Standard of IAG

Workpays works with participants from a wide range of backgrounds, who often face multiple and complex barriers to education and employment. Workpays aims to ensure the provision of IAG within centres and the workplace is relevant, accurate, timely and appropriate to each participant, to maximise their chances of success and progression. To ensure this is done well, a series of processes are followed.

Recruitment and People Development

•    Any requirement to deliver IAG as part of a person’s role is defined within their job description.
•    Recruitment practices ensure relevant qualifications and experience are sought before an appointment, or offered as a development opportunity where a candidate shows the right attributes.
•    A comprehensive programme of learning and development is in place and supported by their line manager.


•    The delivery of IAG is embedded throughout the entire participant journey - formal, graded IAG and Teaching and Learning observations take place, which are all followed up by a development action plan.
•    Within centres, managers carry out regular checks to ensure information publicised and available is current and appropriate.

Performance and Quality Reviews

•    Formal performance and quality reviews ensure performance against agreed KPIs is regularly reviewed.

Self-Assessment and Quality Improvement Planning

•    A robust self-assessment process is in place for all Workpays provision, which is mapped against the Education Inspection Framework and DWP Provider Guidance, ensuring strengths are identified and that best practice is shared, and areas for development are addressed through Quality Improvement Plans (OIP). 

External Inspection

•    Workpays is currently accredited to the Matrix Standard - each year a Continuous Improvement Check is undertaken, and in 2023 Workpays has undergone a full review against the standard.


•    A number of different tools are utilised to collect Learner/employer/staff/stakeholder feedback to assess the effectiveness of our services and identify areas of improvement which are incorporated into our QIP, and areas of excellence.  Analyses of results via or Director of excellent is relayed to SLT, staff, learners, stakeholders, employers. Results available on our website main page include the number of individual supported, number of unemployed assisted into work, qualification success rates and testimonials.  


Feedback tools include:
o    Online surveys
o    Centre Comment cards
o    Suggestion boxes
o    Monthly / Exit reviews 
o    Observations
o    Group forums 
o    Meetings
o    Events
o    Staff 1:1, Appraisals 
o    Complaints 

Equality and Diversity

•    Marketing literature, website information and participant/employer handbooks will be clearly and simply presented with appropriate illustrations/images to aid understanding.
•    At any stage, participants can be accompanied to meetings and interviews by a friend, family member or another representative. 
•    Build and maintain effective networks and partnerships to support this function.


  • This policy is to be read in conjunction with other policies and procedures in place including those detailed below:


Policy Name and Number

Equal Opportunities Policy (QP301)
Complaints Policy (QP213)
Learner, Customer and Stakeholder Feedback Policy (QP214)

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